Football, Soccer, and Baseball Stadiums complete with electrical infrastructure, Musco lighting, redundant power, and low voltage sound systems.
Cathedral Catholic H. S.
Chino Don Lugo High School
Corona Centennial High School
Fontana A.B. Miller High School
Hesperia High School
Indio High School
Los Angeles Cathedral Catholic High School
Mission Viejo High School
Riverside Poly High School
San Bernardino San Gorgonio High School
Santa Monica John Adams Middle School
Yorba Linda Bradford High School
Yorba Linda El Dorado High School
Yorba Linda Esperanza High School
Retrofits, Infrastructure, and Upgrades:
Caesar Uyesaka Stadium - University of Santa Barbara
Chino Ayala High School
Chino High School
Chino Hills High School
Corsair Field Renovation - Santa Monica College
Covina Charter Oaks High Schools
El Dorado High School
Laurence School
La Verne Daimen High School
Lawndale Leuzinger High School
Los Angeles Notre Dame High School
Panorama City St. Genevieve High School
Riverside Alvord Middle School
San Bernardino Valley College
Santa Barbara City College
Santa Maria High School
Scolinos Field - Cal Poly Pomona
University of California, Riverside
Valencia High School
Valley Glen Laurence Middle School
Whittier College